This is Liz 🙂

& This is Greg 🙂

& This is their wedding…

Wildflower style and all locally grown~ orange leucadendron and yellow acacia blend with bright purple statice and pink sweet peas.
Liz’s mom’s wedding dress lace wraps around her purple satin stems.

Have you ever seen such a look of sheer joy?! xo!

Bridesmaid bouquets of green dianthus with kicks of sweet smelling pink peas and more orange leucadendron against their grape dresses.

The ocean themed stationery was so unique and oddly pretty- octopus tentacles drape over the tented name cards..

..while ocean amulets adorn the table assignments.

Pin Cushion Proteas and skinny grass submerge in cylinders of water.

New varieties of locally grown Pinwheel Proteas spark up the tables.

Dinner with a view over the Pacific Ocean seemed only appropriate for this surfer pair.

Happy happiness to you two!
So happy for Liz and her beautiful floral stylings 🙂
and so excited for my wedding!